There are variety of UPS power supply options from small micro ups systems for maintaining small loads like WiFi and fibre connections to large installed units to maintain continuity of power to entire buildings.

Plug and play UPS power supply options

WiFi Backup UPS Power Supply, Desktop PC UPS systems designed to maintain constant power to PC, networks servers and other essential electronics.
These ups systems are not designed to maintain loads for long periods but are used for short backup to maintain clean uninterrupted power till and alternate source of power like a generator is started.
These systems will prevent data loss and equipment damage due to power loss or surges.

Plug and Play Portable Inverter Battery UPS power supply systems.

There are various options for this type of systems. These are inverters with batteries build in either complete all in one unit factory assembled or built up systems.

Installed UPS Backup power supply.

These generally range from 3KW to 50KW inverters with the 5KW being the most popular for residential and small office environments. The system is wired directly into your DB board and essential load are split, bigger systems can run the entire load if required.Installed UPS backup power supply

The following inverters are suitable for this type on install Luxpower, Mecer and Kodak off grid inverters and the Deye, Sunsynk, Solis and Goodwe hybrid inverters. These system havea transfer time of between 10-20ms 10ms is good enough for general PC equipment for options that are more sensitive to power dips there are options like the Axpert king inverter (Mecer or Kodak) that have a zero transfer time.

Pros and Cons

Desktop PC UPS


  • maintains clean power to your PC equipment.
  • No installation required


  • Not designed to run for long periods, used to bridge the gap while an external power source like a generator takes over.
  • Normally fitted with a lead acid battery, these have a short lifespan with regular load shedding.

Portable Power backup.Mercer 1KW Portable UPS Backup Power


  • Works well for small loads
  • Doesn’t require professional installation
  • Reasonable inexpensive.
  • Battery life is good if fitted with lithium.
  • Only add the essentials that you need it to power no installation.
  • Most can also charge from solar.
  • No maintenance required


  • Only power small loads
  • Needs to be plugged into a wall socket and all devices running off it need to be plugged into the unit directly or with extension cables.

Fixed or Installed UPS power supply systems


  • Can power an entire household or essentials loads
  • Home should be unaffected by load shedding lights and all connected plugs or device remain on.
  • No maintenance required
  • These systems can charge from both grid and solar.


  • Most expensive option
  • Requires professional installation.
  • All plugs and device connected the essential load limited to the inverter capacity even with grid power active unless the change is switched to bypass the inverter, (this mostly applies to the smaller inverter sizes)

What is the best option to use.

With the state of power in South Africa as bad as it is install a fixed system is going to be the first choice for a UPS power supply solution weather with or without solar panels. The portable systems work well if your requirements are small, keeping things like the TV, WiFi, PC and a floor lamp running and you don’t have a larger budget for an installed unit.

Get professional advice for what size and type of UPS power supply option will best suit your needs and budget.

What to avoid.

All systems can be paired with lead acid batteries but the lifespan with regular power outages is not great you could be replacing batteries every 5 months.

Avoid systems that are just big enough or too small for your requirements over working a backup power supply systems will ultimately reduce its overall lifespan.
Avoid using electric heaters or heavy draw appliances on all even fixed systems you may overload the inverter resulting in the inverter shutting down or even damage to the inverter if the inverter is large enough to handle the load batteries are will drain quickly during outages.

Avoid draining batteries below their recommended discharge level this will may result in the batteries going into safe mode and not accept charge when power is restored and ultimately shorten the overall life span of the battery and may void the warranty of the battery.

Recommended options.

Small mini UPS for WiFi and Fiber Options with lithium storage are the best.

Portable Inverter with Lithium batteries.

Installed systems

For grid backup only off grid systems work well these are systems that can be installed with our without panels.
Axpert type (Mecer or Kodak) or Lux Power off grid inverter

For systems where saving on grid power are required hybrid systems are the best option for providing reliable backup and savings from PV when panels are going to be installed. Can be installed with or without panels.

Hybrid inverters

DeyeSunsynkGoodwe – Solis